Monday, June 4, 2012 
05:00 PM – 06:00 PM
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Business/Strategic |
Stanford’s HighWire Press is a leading host / co-publisher of scholarly content, including 1600+ peer-reviewed journals and 60 of the world’s 200 highest-impact-factor scientific journals. In recent experimental projects and lead-customer initiatives, we are exploring and testing diverse ways to use semantic graph to build better reader/research experience, with demonstrable ROI in real use-cases. Main investigation and product-development areas include:
• Semantic enrichment using leading third-party technologies such as Temis, Access Innovation.
• Semantic discovery via partnership with leading search engines.
• Incorporation of and publishing to Linked Open Data stores from academic and industry sectors
• User-facing metrics for “quantified self” learning: e.g., most value per second of your attention.
Tim brings 15 years of experience in design, strategy, librarianship, and product development to bear on semantic product innovation. As product manager for Emerging Content at Stanford University’s HighWire Press, Tim leads initiatives in semantic, linked open data, ebooks, and APIs, plus roving R&D, ( “R&D by walking around”). Previously, Tim led API strategy for OCLC Online Computer Library Center, did human-facing at Openly Informatics until OCLC acquisition, and did design strategy for Mediabistro and Juno Online Services. Tim received a BA from Yale University, and is completing a MSLIS from Long Island University. Recently relocated after 15 years in New York, he lives in Palo Alto, CA in a converted garage, with cat Tai-yu and a 2010 Jetta.